INACH’s free online training | Equip yourself for #nohate speech online

During this fun and interactive training you will learn how to consume news and media more critically, what hate speech is and why it is dangerous, and finally, you will learn amazing methods used to conduct counter speech. 

Go ahead and register now, we promise that you are not just going to learn, but also have a lot of fun.

Media literacy
Hate speech online
Counter speech

What to expect

  • Our training is aimed at those with ties to the police and the youth (over 18 years old), the differences will be explained later.
  • There are three sections: media literacy, hate speech online and counter speech.
  • At the end of each section you will have to complete an engaging exercise to test what you have learned.
  • The course is exclusively in English, but no worries, you will have access to a forum that will allow you to ask questions if anything seems unclear.  
  • You can do this training at your own pace, in a day or in a month. 
  • If you successfully complete the training you will receive an official INACH certificate, making you a blossoming champion of anti-discrimination on the internet


If you have any questions please contact us at:



Please explain in 2 or 3 sentences why you want to join this counter speech training.
Legal Disclaimer

INACH will keep all registered users’ sensitive data confidential. We will not give our users’ data to any third party unless we are instructed differently by the user. We will also keep every essay, meme or any other product produced by our users during the course confidential, unless we receive explicit consent from the user to the contrary.

By clicking the register button, you declare that you are at least 18 years old.